This is just a post to inform you of the situation.
Regarding the future of Princess:
There have been no news regarding the author’s health or if/when she will continue the story.
(In December 2015 she decided to take a 3 month break. That break has since continued and Naver put up a notice citing the author’s health being the reason.)
Regarding future releases:
There are 12 chapters untranslated (25, 27-37).
It has been two months since I last heard from our translators, so it looks rather unlikely that we will release those 12 chapters.
With no knowledge if the story will be continued at all, I understand (and share) the lack of enthusiasm. With the situation being what it is, I assume it will also be hard to recruit any new translators.
Rereleasing the old volumes with the Naver raws will also be put in ice.
So that is how it looks at the moment.
Should the author continue the project I am hopeful that we can find a new translator and I will get back to edit once more. But until such a time I think this site will be in stasis.
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