Inferior Scans

chapter 25 by Misty Rain Scans

Good news everyone, it seems Misty Rain Scans have released chapter 25.

We should (hopefully) be able to read it on in ~3 days (they usually keep their releases exclusivly on their site the first 72 hours).

And if you take the time to produce 8 posts on their forums, you should be able to view the chapter before that.

Update: Even better news!
Ivi Aguiar got into contact with Misty Rain Scans and their answer:
"Yes, we plan to finished releasing those chapters too. All of those chapters are all done translated already. Princess Ch 27 is being currently cleaning at the moment."

So it's just a matter of time before all published chapters of Princess is available to the fans outside of korea.

Update: Misty Rains have released the rest of the available chapters.

Now we just wait and hope that there will be any new chapters.

On hold

This is just a post to inform you of the situation.

Regarding the future of Princess:
There have been no news regarding the author’s health or if/when she will continue the story.
(In December 2015 she decided to take a 3 month break. That break has since continued and Naver put up a notice citing the author’s health being the reason.)

Regarding future releases:
There are 12 chapters untranslated (25, 27-37).
It has been two months since I last heard from our translators, so it looks rather unlikely that we will release those 12 chapters.

With no knowledge if the story will be continued at all, I understand (and share) the lack of enthusiasm. With the situation being what it is, I assume it will also be hard to recruit any new translators.

Rereleasing the old volumes with the Naver raws will also be put in ice.

So that is how it looks at the moment.
Should the author continue the project I am hopeful that we can find a new translator and I will get back to edit once more. But until such a time I think this site will be in stasis.

Princess 026

Chapter 026 - MF - MEGA - Batoto

This chapter was possible thanks to Rainie and Jennifer. No ETA on chapter 25 yet.

Also the author, due to her health, didn't continue the story in april as she planned. We do not know if/when the story will be continued.

Princess 024

Chapter 024 - MF - MEGA - Batoto

We thank Keltha for translating this chapter for us!

Looking for a korean translator + new blood

Hi everyone,

First I really want to say a big thank you to Tú HT Cẩm, who translated the last 13 chapters for us. Without Tu those releases would probably not had happened. You really helped us out, I wish you the best of luck!

And as some have guessed right now, Tu wont be able to translate anymore for us.

Which brings me to the recruitment. If you can read korean and want to help bring Princess to the world in english, we would LOVE if you write a comment or send an email to me at:
anthony.haawker at

Really really love it :D

Update: I am happy to announce that Kaltha and Rainie have joined the team as translators. We are really happy to have you onboard!
Translation: There will be new releases sometime in the future.

That being said, if you know korean and want to help out then we would love it if you left a comment :)

Princess 023

Chapter 023 - MF - MEGA - Batoto

By the way, anyone seeing a pattern with the necklace gemstones?

p5_c001_p009-010 - Lila's gem is a square
p5_c001_p007-008 - Areah? gem is round
p5_c001_p011-012 - Freya's gem is Marquise-ish (or tilted square?)
p5_c004_p001-002 - Beatrice gem is a square
p5_c005_p001-002 - Eshild's? gem is a round
p5_c006_p001-002 - Rasarado's gem is a round
p5_c001_p003-004 - Hith's gem is oval-ish
p5_c023_p006 - Sibel's gem is a square

For instance, all Tor's children except Areah are drawn with a square.

You will understand why I bring it up when you read page 6.

Edit: It seems Sibel were first drawn with a gem shaped in the same Marquise-ish/titled square shape as Freya's (p5_c001_p005-006).